and what a ride it was. Started off behind Bike Tech with the five of us. Jeremy Fry, Mike Johnson, John Adamson, Jeremy Fry and myself. That's right, my fat but on a 30 pound bike with those super fast dudes on lightweight cross racing machines. My plan was to hang on as long as I could. That worked okay until about 1/2 way to Parkersburg. Then, it was Jeremy off the front and Mike, John and Robert bridging the gap. I don't think they were actually trying to catch him though. I endeed up about one mile back when I thought I saw them head north. I was wrong. I crept along on the blacktop for a mile and then went south again a mile. I then headed west, again since I saw some bike tracks on the side of the gravel road. I think they were leaving me a trail on purpose. Thanks!
I started cramping in the inside of my calves anytime I started spinning the pedals at a higher cadence. Pushing a harder gear helped but I was already out of energy by that point. I started drinking the rest of my water since I knew P'burg was near hoping to get rid of the cramps. A quick stop for more water and I was back on my way home. I think I took the same route home but cannot be sure since it was getting pretty dark. About 1/2 way home I started feeling a little stonger again, but, that when the road grater started messing with me. What was blacktop smooth gravel roads quickly turned back into the rough stuff. In the dark it's much harder to find a good line and my little led flashlight had great power but the beam was just too narrow to help in that regards.
All in all it was a great ride. It hurt! I was what I needed to get a reality check that I need group rides if I want to get into shape. Just chugging along at my own pace is never going to be good in a race environment or a group ride.
Thanks for the good workout guys!