Thursday, February 05, 2009

Meet my Selma!

Well, no the bike but just as sweet. A friend of ours is out of town for a week and needed a place to keep his only remaining pup that is for sale. She is 10 weeks old and is sooo cute. I love the way puppies smell. Weird? Maybe, but I don't care. Madee, Ella (my girls) and Pam, my sweet wife, agreed that I could name her Selma for this week.

So, now I am really out numbered here at the house. Fours girls against me.



bluecolnago said...

could be worse, buddy! :)

Guitar Ted said...

Nice header pic! You'll have one soon, Bro. As for them being "real", one more shred of eveidence arrived recently. They are in the latest QBP catalog.

Soon, my friend. Very soon!

Guitar Ted said...

Nice header pic! You'll have one soon, Bro. As for them being "real", one more shred of eveidence arrived recently. They are in the latest QBP catalog.

Soon, my friend. Very soon!

john said...

Rob - Tell us about the Salsa Bike - inquiring minds, you know....

Captain Bob said...

You really want to know John or you just teasing me..... :-)

I will start a new post on my thoughts about the bike.